Memory and Cognitive Disorders
The Memory Disorders Clinic within the UNC Medical Center provides comprehensive neurological and cognitive diagnostic evaluations, multidisciplinary treatment planning and disease management, opportunities for participation in research studies and clinical trials, and patient education with referral to community resources.
The Clinic specializes in the diagnosis and management of:
- Mild cognitive impairment
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Frontotemporal degeneration
- Primary progressive aphasia
- Traumatic brain injury (mild)
- Lewy body / Parkinsonian dementias
- Normal-pressure hydrocephalus
- Familial / inherited dementia
- Vascular and other dementias
Reasons to seek evaluation include:
- Repeating oneself
- Getting lost in familiar places
- Difficulty managing a checkbook
- Difficulty finding words
- Impaired judgment
- Change in personality and behavior
To arrange for an evaluation, talk to your doctor about getting a referral to our clinic.