Suzanne Francart, PharmD, MS, BCPS
System Director of Pharmacy
Residency Associated Title and Involvement
Undergraduate: Pennsylvania State University
School of Pharmacy: Virginia Commonwealth University School of Pharmacy
PGY1: UNC Medical Center
PGY2: UNC Medical Center - Pharmacotherapy
Rotation Title
Administration – Revenue Cycle and Managed Care
Rotation Description:
This administrative rotation will focus on patient care services, management of operational systems and leadership of staff supporting system business operations in the pharmacy and medical revenue cycle.
The rotation experience will help residents become familiar with the key principles utilized in hospitals and health systems for leadership, clinical practice and business management across the pharmacy enterprise. The rotation will allow the resident to exercise leadership and practice management skills, develop knowledge and skills in managing pharmacy financial performance, identifying opportunities to improve the medication-use process, and develop a plan for a new or enhanced service. The resident will participate in several activities designed to improve their working knowledge and experience with leadership concepts and business development.
The system pharmacy business operations service line contains two service line to which the resident with have direct exposure – Hospital Revenue Cycle and Retail / Pharmacy Benefit Revenue Cycle. Within these services lines are teams dedicated to medical and pharmacy benefit drug precertification, financial assistance enrollment, denials management, patient billing and collections, and claim auditing.
This rotation will focus on the oversight and strategic direction of these service lines. Emphasis will be placed on driving strategy, human resources, system wide service expansion and the need to support both the pharmacy and health system long-term financial strength through a bridge of the traditional medication use process, patient centered clinical decision making and evolving payer landscape.