Emily Stevenson, PharmD
PGY2 - Infectious Disease
Emily Stevenson
Undergraduate: St. Louis College of Pharmacy
Pharmacy School: St. Louis College of Pharmacy
PGY1: UNC Medical Center
St. Louis, MO
Impact of Eravacycline on Fibrinogen
When I was applying for residency, I knew I wanted to be at a program where I felt both challenged and well supported. I desired to practice at the top of my license and have a wide variety of clinical experiences. I wanted to grow, not only as a clinical pharmacist, but as a researcher, preceptor, and leader in the field. UNC has everything I was looking for and more. There is something truly special about the residency program at UNC. It is such an amazing feeling to be surrounded by others who are so passionate about pharmacy and patient care. Every day, I have the opportunity to make clinically meaningful interventions on highly collaborative and innovative medical teams. My co-residents, mentors, and preceptors continually encourage me to pursue both my personal and professional goals. I am so grateful to be a part of this program.
Email Emily at Emily.Stevenson@unchealth.unc.edu