Yes, it is true that we do not charge tuition.
Each student is required to buy their own books, uniforms, health insurance and provide their own housing. Students who complete the program are also eligible to take the ARRT and NMTCB certification examinations.
SNM Membership - FreeBooks - $600.00
Certification Exam - ARRT $200.00 / NMTCB $175.00
Health Insurance - Variable Uniforms - $150 - $300.00 depending on style
No, the program is owned and operated by the hospital and has no affiliation to the University. Each student is responsible for their own housing and food while they are enrolled in the school.
You are encouraged to use Chapel Hill Transit or Triangle Transit to get to and from campus. The university manages parking on campus and they do not offer permits to the program's students.
No, the program is an inclusive, thirty-five hour per week experience that must be completed from start to finish in its entirety.
No, the clinical time is part of your training in the program and is a requirement for graduation and qualification for taking the certification exams.
Upon completion of the program you will be eligible to take the NMTCB (Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board). If you complete all of the necessary competencies during your clinical training, you will also be eligible to take the ARRT certification test. For more information on the exams, please visit, or
Classes begin either the first week of September or the last week of August (depending on the year), and run until the end of the following August.